Episode 3:


Hello world....

Habitually when the rains coming needs to take the umbrella first.

Yes, it's the real habit for them which the brilliant thinking.

The waterfall in my eyes surely push me down and every its tears drop broke my growing up spirit.

When someone had a broken heart actually need to be lonely in the silent darkness corner box, and yeah I did it perfectly.

It's funny with put a little knife in my heart which didn't know from where it's coming like a sounds tickle my ear realized me like this: “wake up.... wake up”.
Oh, my God! twenty hours a day and I threw just three hours to close my eyes taking some rest, and the voice want me to never take a rest. Ha....ha....ha.... the sound is too stupid than me.

I actually know when someone moves up to the next floor rooms need to pass the stairs, but I didn't realize it yet.

I want myself up into the second floor, I see the stairs beside me near the green wall, but hard to move my body who stands in front of the lift and read every singles number from 100 changing down to 1 (my floor) on above the lift door.

I'm waiting for the green number one alight while my principle about how relaxing my body move up to the second floor by the lift is going on in my head.

Waiting is too bored me, but myself is too spoiled with the technology even when it's hard to get.

In the other fact of my principle, it holds my leg beg back to the same place, I always in the same place even the ground is moving.

After I know that the lift is out of order, and in the same time the stairs which was near the wall gone, I am keeping my smile up and thinking how beautiful I am when flying to the second floor which my tact says that its never be happening. I'm not even trying anymore to make the stairs.

Two years ago, I had introduce the world myself via blogger, which is every single minutes I miss to waste to building my blog up. And wow.... how stupid I am when my novel already lost; I copied it just into the phone and a week later my phone was stolen, which its make my world darkness until now.

So, the stupid question after all, why I didn't keeping it safety? And after all of time, now I suggest you to being safety your important document, etc. In GOOGLE DRIVE.

Nowadays, according to my eyes also my feeling, still there some of them out there which every day thinking, remember, memorize, then re-memorize, and make love with their goal first then thinking  how to realize their goal after their shadow goal reach deep within them; just like me as a blogger. (read more ed. 2)

Between trying and crying is nothing for me now, but I got some fresh milks in my head after wayfarer from blogger. All about what has happened yesterday, I am going to learn from my mistakes there. And what will be happening tomorrow, I'm going to write a lot as possible because today I do read to make up my knowledge.

I hate to put my memory back to memorize all about what I have had from my blog in two years ago is nothing, but I'll be proud and my spirit is up to learning from yesterday for tomorrow, learning from all of my acts that I should never have acted in blogging yesterday.

Yesterday is my learning, then today I already get the job that I should to getting paid and getting the best result from my job in tomorrow.

And today I feel so sorry for the sound which it made me should wake up. I do realize that it was mean that I must changing my principle. Shy to say that I'm so stupid than the voice. Principles is your life, if you are wrong in settle your principles today means you will fail in tomorrow.

Today is time to work, my job, my activity which never be like yesterday. Yes, today is time to changing, time to work/learning.

And yesterday is my learning process, isn't mean today I do not learning, no!! Maybe in yesterday all of my time and my spirit wasted just for; sawing my blog traffic, refreshed the dashboard page with hopefully the traffic grew up automatically, but today is time to work means that today I should reading a lot as possible as I can, then trying to writing an article.

"If you can't fly then run,
if you can't run then walk,
if you can't walk then crawl,
but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward"
-Martin Luther King Jr.-

Earn money just like achieve the sky, but it is the best one of the reasons why I should blogging until now. The reason which always required me blocked all of my main activities, the reason that why I was a broken heart, the reason that why I was crying, and the reason that why I was always standing here right now in front of my computer and said, "hello world".

So, today is the day I have to back for the reason, back to my goal, back to achieve the sky.

B. .e. .r. .s. .a. .m. .b. .u. .n. .g. .

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